My Pattern Reviews

Monday 23 April 2012

Chanel Jacket No.2 - Part 3 - nearly there.

Hi there,

Well I got carried away last night and sewed until 12:30 in the morning, and due to an unreliable ebay purchaser, I have had to stay at the cottage tonight and this means I can continue with the jacket.

First I have a confession to make.  I sewed my two piece sleeves together, creating my sleeve vent - but you know when you keep looking at something and think that is definitely not right, you swap sides, still doesn't look right - in the end I thought I was going mad.  The position of the sleeve vent was on the wrong seam.  Now these were part of the jacket piece so I had to cut them off, sew up the seam, unpick the other seam, and attach them.  I think I was holding my breath the whole time I was doing this and hoping that Ruth's gremlins hadn't made their way into my room.

I think my dear old mum was looking down on me and helping me to deal with my problem and thank goodness I managed to recreate the vent on the opposite side and I don't think anyone but you lovely readers will know shush........ don't tell anyone.

I think I am set to go with a domed shaped silver button, but I only had 3 of one type in my stash and 3 of another type in my stash - all very similar but not identical, so I have just popped them on with a loose thread to get the idea.  Of course anything can happen when I go to the shops to purchase some more buttons - I want 4 each for the sleeves and possibly 4  (one for each pocket).

So while we are talking pockets I can't make up my mind.  I want this jacket to look different to the other jacket which only had one pocket.  What do you guys think?? These pockets are just pinned on for now.

Last but not least, you can see the coordinating fabric I purchased to go with this, its a beautiful wool crepe, also from Linton Tweed.  I intend making a dress out of this - if there is any spare, maybe a skirt we will see.

So thats me for tonight - no more sewing until Thursday night now so let me know what you think because I want to finish this by Friday at the latest.

Last but not least, thanks to all of you for your encouragement, its been great and motivated me to take extra care over this jacket.  I know some of you have said how fast I sew, but the honest truth is I go up and do a 4-5 hour sessions, sometimes longer if I get carried away, so not that fast really.

Catch you later..................


  1. Your jacket is looking so beautiful. I like how you have the pockets placed on the front. The coordinating fabric looks fantastic with the jacket!

  2. Your jacket is looking great. I like the pocket placement. The coordinating fabric is perfect. It allows the jacket to be the centerpiece. Can hardly wait to see the finished product.

  3. I like the pocket placement, too. This is gorgeous and I know you will get just the right button.

  4. I like the four pockets. Great job!

  5. Pockets are great, jacket is great, dress fabric is great - all these positive thoughts are dispelling the badness and you have a guardian angel by the sounds of it too. Finish line is in sight.

  6. I just do not know how you can make 2 Channel Jackets in a row! This one is b e a u t i f u l too! I suppose the timing is good since all of the information is so fresh but my goodness, you wasted no time!
    Can't wait for the finished product!

  7. Pauline, it's beautiful. I absolutely love this fabric too.
