One of my late Christmas presents was this DVD by David Page Coffin. I have just finished watching this and am really itching to get going on making a shirt using many of his techniques. There are so many useful tips in there that I think we can apply to many aspects of sewing, so I would really recommend this DVD. I also have his book, so with the two combined together I can see a shirt in the planning for my D Mike and even me - (I just need to try out his methods).
I also got some of the Threads magazine's DVD's one called "Insider techniques" which has some really useful tips too.
One of my other new finds are the web casts by Silhouette Patterns. Diana of Sew Passionista by Diana was talking about them in her brilliant blog so I checked them out - take a look you will not be disappointed.
I have just dropped my D Mike off at the railway station and have a pile of ironing to do tonight, however having looked at some of the DVD's today when I was babysitting my DGD Alana, I feel like a kid in a sweet shop not sure which one to pick first, but I want to start trying out some of these techniques as soon as possible.
Right my ironing is not just calling now, but shouting at me now, so catch you later......................................
Thank you for the webcast list---there are many topics on there that I want to delve into. I have the Shirtmaking book also and am planning to spend a month in the spring with it and some nice manly fabric.
ReplyDeleteMary, I guess we need to thank Diana really I never knew about the webcasts, but good luck with your shirtmaking -I have to book too so feel I need to re-open it, but his video was really clear.