Friday, 2 March 2012

The Versatile Blogger Award

What a wonderful surprise, I have just received the Versatile Blogger Award from Diana of Sew Passionista by Diana (you must check out her fabulous blog if you haven't already).  I am very flattered, and would like to thank her very much, but as they say there is no such thing as a free lunch, and I too have to follow the rules below in order to accept the award:-

  1. Add the award to your blog
  2. Thank the blogger who gave it to you
  3. Mention 7 random things about yourself
  4. List the rules
  5. Give the award to 15 bloggers
  6. Inform each of those 15 bloggers by leaving a comment on their blog

So I have already done 1 & 2 on the list, so now I need to mention 7 random things about me:-

  1. I think that I have a creative core running right through me, I see something and automatically think "I wonder if I can make that"?
  2. I am a mother to 3 wonderful grown-up children and now am enjoying the experience of being a grandmother which brings me great joy;
  3. I am constantly inspired by other creative people, whatever their talent;
  4. I love my sewing room, its my sanctuary;
  5. I have a continuous thirst to learn more and do it better;
  6. Have found happiness with a wonderful man at an age that I never thought possible, and
  7. I have a professional job that takes me all around the world which allows me to extend my fabric/sewing shopping experiences outside the UK.

And here are the blogs that I would like to pass this award on to the following blogs:-

  1. Bunny at La Sewista!
  2. Ann at Everything Sewing
  3. Rachel at House of Pinheiro
  4. Ruth at SewRuth
  5. Carolyn at Carolyn's Sewing Room
  6. Robyn at a little sewing
  7. ArtAttack
  8. Lori t Girls in the Garden
  9. Mary at bibiloblog
  10. Doobee at Doobee's Creations
  11. Shannona at Hungry Zombie Couture
  12. Kathryn, aka fzxdoc at I made this!
  13. MushyWear
  14. Martha at Now Sewing, and last but not least
  15. Sarah at Goodbye Valentino.

All of the above blogs are versatile and an inspiration.


  1. You are a well deserved receiver of this award for your inspiring sewing. Always your blog is jammed full of creative and motivational ideas. And thanks for passing it onto me. Now to pull together 7 random things that won't scare my readers away.....

  2. Congratulations, I love reading your blog and meet up.. its so much fun!

    I already had won that award, but I'm so sincerely grateful for you to pick me...

    you can read my 7 randow things here

  3. Thank you, Pauline, for nominating my 'blog for a Versatile Blogger Award. You're so sweet to think of me!


  4. Oh how nice! Thank you for thinking of me, I'm not really versatile I only blog about sewing - however sometimes other thoughts influence my flow of stitching. Thanks again.

  5. Thank you so much for this award. I have nothing but admiration for your work, and wish I could meet you in person. Like Rachel, I have received this before...but I'll accept again :-) 7 random things, huh? and 15 other fun this will be!
